Procurement Service
In line with international best practices for procurement, Broadpeak ensures the flawless execution of your tender process. We help you identify the most solid, competitive and innovative offer and support you in optimising your selection process.
Broadpeak is well versed in various procurement guidelines such as the EU tendering rules, various country-specific procurement rules and the FIDIC suite of contracts.
We also have experience with various procurement methods such as Request-for-Proposal (RfP) aka Call-for-Proposal (CfP), Invitation-to-Tender (ITT), Request-for-Quotation (RfQ), Invitation-to-Bid (ItB), Competetive Dialogue, Design Contest, Market Sounding, Innovation Partnership and Request-for-Information (RfI).
Broadpeak will assist you in selecting the most appropriate tendering procedure to suit your needs and requirements. Options generally include International Competitive Bidding (ICB), National Competitive Bidding (NCB), Limited Competitive Bidding (LCB) and Direct Award aka Single Source Bidding (SSB). Such procedures can usually be carried out in a single stage or in two stages.
We are also experienced in the different selection methods, such as Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS), Quality-Based Selection (QBS), Fixed Budget Selection (FBS) and Least Cost Selection (LCS).
If desired, we can take over the entire tender process for you. This includes preparation, planning, drafting tender documents, bid publication, bid invitation, query management, bid evaluation, recommendation, award facilitation, and contract negotiations. We also evaluate the bids and negotiate the contracts with the bidders.
As all our services, we are able to manage tenders in English, French and German.