Green Hydrogen Trilogy

As the global push to fight climate change gains momentum, the demand for decarbonizing hard-to-abate industries is growing. With limited options available for sectors where electrification is not feasible, green hydrogen is seen as a potential solution for a lower carbon future. To better comprehend the potential of green hydrogen in these challenging industries, we […]
Green Hydrogen Trilogy

The transport sector is one of the biggest carbon emitters worldwide. As the world tries to shift away from fossil fuels, green hydrogen is being touted as one key solution. Recently, many countries have adopted legislative proposals to decarbonize the transport sector by facilitating the uptake of green hydrogen. But does green hydrogen have the […]
Green Hydrogen Trilogy

At the recent COP27, green hydrogen was at the top of the agenda with various governments announcing ambitious new multi-million dollar plans to build plants, collaborate and invest in developing a global market. As global leaders search for the right building blocks to lead us away from climate-impacting fossil fuel consumption to more sustainable alternatives, […]
Climate Tipping Point Series

It’s not about whether West Antarctica will melt and sea levels will rise, but rather when and how fast.