Our Partner:

KfW Entwicklungsbank (the German development bank) has been one of the leading promotional banks since 1948 and is committed to improving economic, social, and environmental living conditions across the globe. KfW is both an experienced bank and a development institution with financing expertise and expert knowledge of development policy. On behalf of the German Federal Government, and primarily the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), it finances and supports programs and projects that mainly involve public sector players in developing countries and emerging economies – from their conception and execution to monitoring their success. The goal is to help the German partner countries to fight poverty, maintain peace, protect both the environment and the climate, and shape globalization appropriately.

The Project:

The project focuses on private sector development in Lebanon, with a particular focus on Small-and-Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). It evaluates the effectiveness of different financial mechanisms and distribution channels to provide liquidity to SMEs during the current crisis in Lebanon. A particular focus of the project lies on identifying sectors that support the Just Transition, Gender Equality, and the correlation between corporations and power dynamics (deep state).

Our Tasks:

Broadpeak was hired by KfW to conduct a comprehensive Feasibility Study, analyzing a number of financial mechanisms (such as loans, grant schemes, guarantee platforms, and equity and venture capital funds, as well as developing further possibilities) and effective distribution channels to provide liquidity to SMEs in Lebanon. The task involved primary and secondary data collection to evaluate the financial mechanisms, as well as using a self-developed scoring technology to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of each one.

Our Deliverables:

The project included a number of deliverables:  Detailed Focus Group Discussions (FCDs) and interviews were held with experts, SMEs, and relevant institutions to assess their specific liquidity needs and the effectiveness of the different mechanisms and distribution channels. Further deliverables included a Concept Note, a Baseline Assessment, laying out a detailed methodology for the scoring of the different mechanisms, as well as the final Feasibility Assessment. The project also included a Deep State Analysis to assess the correlation between corporate and power structures in the country and the development of the Description of Action (DoA) document for the European Union (EU).