Viktoria Samberger

A couple of years ago, I have watched a video with a university graduation speech from Michelle Obama and what she said in this video, has stayed with me since then. “What others say or think about you, does not define you. And most importantly, it couldn’t hold you back!” Wow…! As a woman I was raised to be a people pleaser and to be good enough in the eyes of everyone else instead of mine. However, what Michelle said in this video started to unpack various unhelpful believe systems I had, and it allowed me to start daring. 

A few success stories later, I am now the owner of a dog in a wheelchair, and everyone tells me since over two years that this dog will never walk again. But hey, even if they are right, what others think or say about us, does not define us. And most importantly: it couldn’t hold us back! Therefore, we keep going, we keep having fun with therapy and frankly speaking, we have already made progress that should not have been possible. I genuinely believe that you can redefine the impossible. There were also times in history where flying was considered impossible. I feel the same way about our economy. Who still says that we cannot harmonize nature, society and the economy in a way that serves us all? Our economic system is a human-made game. It is our rules. It is our doing. Let us redefine this game and play it better! I hope to contribute through impact finance.
